Safeguarding Resources & Useful Links


A Parents Guide to being Share Aware


Regional Child Protection Procedures - Abuse linked to faith or belief

Regional Child Protection Procedures - Domestic violence and abuse

Regional Child Proection Procedures - Neglect



Regional Child Protection Procedures - Bullying


Children and the Courts

Young Witness Booklet - 5 to 11 year olds

Young Witness Booklet - 12 to 17 year olds


Missing from Education, Home or Care

Regional Child Protection Procedures - Children missing from care home and education

Regional Child Protection Procedures - Children missing education


Family Members in Prison

National Information Centre on Children of Offenders



Police and Schools - Psychoactive substances

Police and Schools - Alcohol


Domestic Abuse

Regional Child Protection Procedures - Domestic violance and abuse

Regional Child Protection Procedures - Child sexual exploitation

Regional Child Protection Procedures - Trafficked children


Child Exploitation

Birmingham Criminal Exploitation & Gang Affiliation Practice Guidance (2018)



Homelessness Reduction Bill Policy Fact Sheets


Health and Wellbeing

Regional Child Protection Procedures - Self harm and suicidal behaviour

Medicines in Schools



Sexting Flow Chart

Police and Schools - Searching, screening and confiscation


Private Fostering

Fostering in Birmingham Information for Professionals



Regional Child Protection Procedures - Safeguarding children and young people against radicalisation and violent extremism

Regional Child Protection Procedures - Sexually active children and young people including under age sexual activity



Responding to HSB

Children who Pose a Risk to Children

Police and Schools - Secondary panels

Regional Child Protection Procedures - Chidlren affected by gang activity and youth violence

Violence against women and girls