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“Sport has literally changed my life. It has given me a lot of confidence, a lot of courage, and a lot of discipline. It’s helped me to be the person that I’ve grown to be today.”- Serena Williams
At Firs Primary School, we ensure that pupils get to experience excellent Physical Education as this will not only improve their knowledge and ability in sports but also improve mental health. It is our aim that all pupils, especially those with SEND, develop a passion to participate in physical exercise and sport as this can lead to them living healthy lifestyles, as well as improve their cognitive, moral, emotional and social values.
The Physical Education curriculum not only allows the pupils at Firs Primary School to learn about a variety of different sports but also incorporate the skills they have learnt through the school Skills Builder scheme. The pupils will be able to implement the skills of leadership, teamwork and remaining positive.
We strive:
- To ensure our pupils learn to compete and strive for excellence whilst upholding the values set out in the School Games: determination, honesty, passion, self-belief, teamwork and respect.
- To ensure our provision makes purposeful links with our local community sport offer to further encourage active lifestyles and a love of sport.
- To ensure pupils have learned the knowledge and skills set out in the National Curriculum.
- To ensure pupils leave us with a secure knowledge of how to live healthy lives.
- To ensure our curriculum promotes resilience, co-operation and leadership
- To ensure pupils have a confident and positive experience of PE, being active and participating in sports.
PE is a foundation subject in the National Curriculum. Our school uses the objectives from the curriculum as the basis for planning in PE. Planning is progressive and begins with basic skills which are then applied and practised in a range of contexts and with increasing demand, competition and complexity.
We teach and promote the physical development of our children in EYS as an integral part of their work. We relate the physical development of the children to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals, which underpin the curriculum planning for children aged three to five years of age. We encourage the children to develop confidence and control of the way they move, and the way they handle equipment. We give all children the opportunity to undertake activities that offer appropriate physical challenge, both indoors and outdoors, using a wide range of resources to support specific skills.
In Key Stage 1, children are taught a range of sporting activities through which they will develop their balance, agility and co-ordination. These skills are taught through dance, games, multi-skills, speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) and gymnastics lessons.
In Key Stage 2, children are taught dance, games (invasion, striking and fielding, net), gymnastics, outdoor and adventurous activities and athletics. During KS2, all pupils receive training in sports or games leadership and take a role in promoting active playtimes.
In addition, swimming and water safety are taught in Key Stage Two with the expectation that all children will be able to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke] and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
All KS1 and KS2 pupils receive a minimum of 2 hours of physical activity per week. We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in PE lessons.
Teacher subject knowledge and confidence is reviewed regularly and provision made through our coaching partnership with Aspire Active Education Group for half termly team teaching.
Our PE Long Term Overview:
The impact of the PE curriculum at Firs Primary School can be seen through:
- Our children being inspired to have a love of sport and to grow up to have happy and healthy lives; utilising the skills and knowledge they have acquired through PE.
- Our children learning to take responsibility for their own health and fitness.
- Many of our children enjoying the success of competitive sports.
- Our children showing a willingness and ability to try new sports and activities, to push themselves and persevere when they are challenged.
- Our children supporting their peers to develop and excel in sport and across the curriculum.
By the time pupils leave Firs Primary School, they will have developed the skills, knowledge, and understanding to succeed in PE in secondary education and beyond with passion to participate and lead healthy lifestyles and have a positive wellbeing.