Firs Primary School uniform is as follows:
- White polo shirt
- Black or grey pinafore, skirt, shorts or trousers (Skirts/shorts should be knee length)
- Green and white check summer dresses (Summer term)
- Dark green or teal sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school logo
- Black, grey or white socks or tights
- Black shoes or black trainers
- Black or grey leggings may be worn under dresses or skirts
- Black, dark green or white headscarves
- Hair accessories, such as headbands, scrunchies or slides, should be black or dark green
PE Kit
- White t shirt
- Black or grey leggings, shorts or jogging bottoms
- Black pumps or trainers
Please ensure all clothing and property is clearly marked with your child’s name.
No jewellery should be worn, except studs for children with pierced ears. Earrings are to be removed for PE and swimming.
Long hair should be tied up at all times.
No extreme/patterned haircuts.
Many retailers sell plain school uniform. Do ensure that you select the appropropriate colour for Firs. You can purchase uniform with the school logo directly from the manufacturers.