Cultural Capital

Cultural Capital is "the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.” 

At Firs Primary School, we aim to enable our children to flourish and to improve outcomes for all.  Through our carefully planned, broad, balanced, knowledge-rich curriculum we aim to close gaps that pupils may have. This includes exposure to a wide range of cultural experiences, such as the arts, music, history, and literature.

At Firs we identify Cultural Capital development as essential knowledge children will need to be become good citizens.  We plan this development around the knowledge of our children and families – we get to know and understand their lived experience especially new to country children.  Through this development we prepare children for transition and having the right set of skills to better their life chances.  Our key focus areas are:

  • Access to challenging resources and experiences to develop understanding.
  • Language and Oracy development is a priority of the Curriculum; VOICE21 and promoting the love of reading are key drivers.
  • Aspirations and achievements; we encourage all children to aim high and be aspirational. We achieve this by promoting achievements daily in class and during our celebration assemblies.
  • We focus on developing specific sellable skills and transferrable skills to ensure children are able to access their next transition stage – not just academically.
  • Through the planned curriculum, PSHE and assemblies we ensure children develop empathy and sympathy skills. 
  • Firs is a place where everyone belongs. We ensure children develop an understanding of belonging and how it feels to belong.  
  • Cultural development understanding is driven daily at the school. Effective RE lessons, the wider curriculum and celebration events ensure we expose children to a range of different cultures.